【話題の動画】ラップで学ぶ経済学 – Hayek vs. Keynes

What is the difference between Hayek’s beliefs and Keynes beliefs?

 These two great thinkers had more in common than it is usually thought, including their idea of what is a civilized society and how assuming their colleagues-economists may be when they ‘pretend to know’. This can be traced in their correspondence. But their views on the monetary system radically differed.

 Hayek viewed the market as capable to correct itself, when facing shocks, by taking advantage of competitive forces, and regarded government and central bankers’ policy efforts to restore growth as causes of more instability.

 Keynes viewed the economic (macro) system as vulnerable to periodic declines in demand, and regarded traditional (micro) adjustment mechanisms (such as wage and price declines) as ineffective to restore growth and prosperity.


 もう議論では決着がつかないので、Rap Battleで決着を付けようとしているようですが、第三弾まで出ているところを見ると、これでも決着はつかなそうです。。。💦