
Moon is pummeled with impacts much more often than predicted

 All you have to do is look out your window at night and you can see the evidence in the night sky that the moon has been pummeled by asteroids and other impacts throughout its life. Since there is no wind on the surface of the moon, there is no erosion and the craters simply stay for eternity. While we can clearly see that the Moon has been struck with objects that form craters, scientists believed that this was not a very common occurrence. It now seems that the scientists were wrong.

 A new study has found that new craters form on the surface of the Moon at a rate much higher than scientists had predicted. While we can’t see these new craters from Earth, the fear is that the more common incidence of the Moon being stuck could pose a significant risk to future moon missions. Granted NASA went the entire Apollo moon mission era with no issues from impacts.


(*゚ー゚) Lin: 隕石や小惑星の衝突とかは、めったに起こらないことかと思ってたけど、けっこう、起こってるんだねー。

(=゚ω゚) Lan: 地球にも同じくらい落ちてるんだろうけど、ほとんど大気中で燃えちゃうから影響ないんだろうね。



(*゚ー゚) Lin: こんなに頻繁に隕石なんかが落ちてくるんじゃ、おちおち月面なんか歩いてられないね。

(=゚ω゚) Lan: 。。。


(*゚ー゚) Lin: 将来、月面旅行が可能になる日が来るかもしれないじゃん!


(=゚ω゚) Lan: そりゃ、NASAは、月面探査や月面開発を行う際に、隕石の衝突からどう宇宙船や宇宙飛行士を守るかを考えなきゃいけないから、重要な問題だろうね。


(*゚ー゚) Lin: また話をでっち上げればいいんじゃない?

(=゚ω゚) Lan: 。。。またって。。。
